
Partnership with Centech: Collision Lab

In 2018, the Port of Montreal partnered with Centech to create North America’s first port innovation accelerator. Four innovation themes guide the unit’s work: supply chain visibility and freight mobility, cybersecurity, process improvement and agility, and supply chain decarbonization.


Data transparency

The Port of Montreal has teamed up with Mely.ai, a startup specializing in data retrieval for automated solutions, to develop a new Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) tool based on artificial intelligence and focused on data transparency.


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The Port of Montreal in augmented reality

An augmented reality program is behind the partnership with PreVu3D and ARA Robotics to model three-dimensional port locations and facilities. Such a tool makes it possible to improve infrastructure planning, optimize space and even tour the Port’s facilities in virtual reality.



Detect defective containers​

Combining artificial intelligence and visual technology, Canscan launched a solution which can remotely and automatically detect defective containers.


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Training with virtual reality

Using three-dimensional models of the Port of Montreal, fire prevention officers can practice responding to different scenarios and rolling out protocols, in addition to planned on-site practices and exercises at terminals or aboard vessels.

Partners in innovation

Improving water quality

As part of a project to improve water quality in and around port facilities, the port authorities of Montreal, Quebec and Trois-Rivières have jointly launched an innovation challenge to Quebec startups.


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ePIcenter projet​

Led by the Port of Antwerp, this ambitious project was established to design and launch large-scale projects to improve the global supply chain’s efficiency, fluidity and performance. As part of the partnership agreement between the Port of Montreal and the Port of Antwerp, the project will also make it possible to create a cyber-secured trade corridor between the ports of Montreal and Antwerp.

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Member of chainPORT since March 2017

Founded by the Port of Hamburg, the chainPORT group makes it possible for members to exchange information and develop innovative, forward-looking solutions.  


Rethinking port logistics

Measuring the carbon footprint of vessels

Launched in collaboration with Global Spatial Technology Solutions (GSTS), the project provides real-time data on the route, speed and position of vessels heading to Montreal, allowing ships to optimize their sailing speed, to shorten anchoring time before docking, and to benefit operational planning and optimization.


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AI in times of​ health crisis

In partnership with Scale AI, the Port of Montreal is using artificial intelligence to streamline the supply chain. In this context, CargO2ai is a system to quickly identify goods deemed "critical" by government authorities. Learn more:


Planning freight trains

Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), the Port of Montreal benefits from a new predictive tool for planning freight trains based on variables such as ship arrivals, storage capacity and workforce availability (ongoing development).



The Trucking PORTal application: A GHG reduction project

The Trucking PORTal reports on truck traffic and wait times at container terminals in real time, including predictive data on processing times at the Port of Montreal’s various container terminals. This new tool helps port truck drivers plan their routes better and improves traffic flow on Port territory, thereby reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.



Innovation in the service of sustainable development

The Port of Montreal promotes green navigation through its innovative initiatives. Recently, it introduced shore power for cruise ships and wintering vessels (reducing GHG emissions by about 2,800 tonnes per year), and put in place a liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply solution to refuel ships with a less polluting fuel.



Montreal intermodal Performance Measures (MIPM): decision-support and real-time monitoring tools

In collaboration with key partners, the Montreal Port Authority is leading a comprehensive program to monitor overall port performance. The measures report on vessel, terminal, rail and truck operations.



Electronic navigation

In the service of safety, efficiency and the environment

Since 2008, the Port of Montreal has been implementing an electronic navigation system that improves efficiency and safety, while contributing to the protection of the marine environment. For example, the DUKC® (Dynamic Under Keel Clearance) system implemented in 2013 on the St. Lawrence River aims to optimize the use of the water column to ensure the safe passage of each vessel.


Smart Port challenge

Innovation applied to port operations

Established in 2016, this partnership between the MPA and the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), consists of launching a challenge each year to the students in the ÉTS operations and logistics engineering program to propose solutions to an actual innovation problem in port operations.