Closest international container port to Eastern Canada and the U.S. Midwest major distribution centres and consumer markets.
2 - Distance
Shortest direct route between Europe and the Mediterranean to North America’s industrial heartland.
3 - Connected
Connected to all continents and to over 140 countries through direct services to transshipment ports in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Caribbean.
4 – Load centring
One-stop port, with no intermediate calls. Our balanced trade, through full-vessel discharge and load, favours cost effectiveness.
5 - Reliable
Dedicated weekly services from leading global carriers.
6 - Fluidity
We work closely with maritime, rail and trucking partners to ensure maximum fluidity of our port operations.
7 - Market Within Reach
Fast access to 110 million consumers
40 million within one rail or trucking day
An additional 70 million within two rail days
8 - Intermodal Platform
Our rail network has direct on-dock access. It is connected to the Canadian National (CN) and CPKC networks that provide daily services to major domestic markets in Canada as well as the U.S. Midwest and Northeast. The Port is also at the centre of a national network of highways.
9 - Smart port
Our many innovative initiatives (3D modelling, artificial intelligence, block chain initiative, TradeLens, member of chainPort) help the Port of Montréal position itself effectively in the new technological era of logistics.
10 - Expansion Projects
We continue to invest in our infrastructure to increase capacity and support future growth.