Pont ferroviaire Pie-IX


Currently comprising three rail tracks, the structure is under heavy strain to accommodate growing rail transport needs, and requires major work on its foundations and decks. With a budget of $42.41 million, this project will restore the aging infrastructure, add a fourth rail track to the structure to create a 200-metre-long rail link over the bridge, and build three rail storage lanes for the Lantic sugar refinery northeast of the overpass. These three storage lanes will enable Lantic to increase its sugar-car storage capacity and boost production to meet demand from companies in Quebec and Ontario.

Project objectives

  • Integrate sustainable materials, including glass powder from crushed glass bottles in the concrete mixes used.
  • Assure the long-term viability of a strategic asset essential to the Port’s freight capacity
  • Increase the Port’s rail capacity
  • Support the growth of Lantic Inc. sugar company, which has a $200 million investment plan to increase its annual refining capacity by 80,000 tonnes
  • Achieve workforce savings and reinforce modal interconnection across the port site
  • Ensure the safety of rail operations at the site
  • Contribute to reducing environmental impact by promoting rail freight transport over road transport



July 2023

The public Request for Proposals for construction of the Pie-IX railway bridge was issued.

March 2024

The MPA received $16.75 million in funding from the Government of Canada through the National Trade Corridors Fund for the project.

April to June 2024

Electrical projects: undergrounding power lines to allow the addition of a fourth track on the railway bridge. This entails replacing the overhead electrical/telecom network for 500 metres.

June to November

Start of structural project works on the bridge:

  • Construction of sheet-pile retaining walls
  • Installation of large diameter caisson piles
  • Concrete retaining walls
  • Reinforcement of existing abutments
  • Installation of anchors

Installation of new rail tracks on the Lantic site 


Completion of structural project works

  • Replace bridge decks with new work blocks
  • Final railway work
  • Completion of all structural work
  • Demolition and reconstruction of roadway and sidewalks on the Port Road

En of work and commissioning of the new railway bridge (end of summer 2025).