child having fun at All aboard exhibition

Good news for families seeking fun and free activities during spring break. The All aboard! exhibition at the Port of Montreal’s Port Centre is extending its opening hours from February 27 to March 3 to cover the school holidays. 

Good news for families seeking fun and free activities during spring break. The All aboard! exhibition at the Port of Montreal’s Port Centre is extending its opening hours from February 27 to March 3 to cover the school holidays. 

This exhibition offers an interactive journey to discover port operations and trades. The program features navigation simulations on the St. Lawrence, ways to discover the various trades, logistics coordination games and a treasure trove of information on port facilities and the different mechanisms at work in freight transport around the world.

The exhibition will be open from Saturday, February 25 to Sunday, March 5 from noon to 5 p.m. Admission is free.

Find out more here: All aboard! exhibition