Port in the City Day reinvented
A new take on the traditional Port in the City Day! Offered annually to the Port's neighbours to showcase Port facilities, this year the discovery day event features a new format.
Starting May 30, the Port of Montreal will be on the road with its container full of information and surprises, stopping at various events in the neighbourhoods near its operations to meet residents and present its activities.
There will be educational displays, games and surprises, with an added bonus. Visitors can take a guided tour of the terminals by bus and enter a contest to win an AML cruise.
Make it a date with the Port of Montreal:
May 30 to June 2: Branle-Bas d'Hochelaga (Ontario Street East between Darling and Pie-IX)
Port tours by bus: June 1 and 2, three daily departures
June 7 and July 5: First Fridays (Esplanade of the Olympic Park)
Port tours by bus: June 7 and July 5, three departures a day
August 10: Diableries de Contrecœur (4865 Legendre Street, Contrecœur)
August 29 to September 1: Back to School sidewalk sale (Hochelaga Street between Darling and Pie-IX)
Date to be determined: Grand Quay of the Port of Montreal (200 de la Commune Street West)
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