The Port of Montreal signs international declaration on COVID-19
The Port of Montreal joined 18 fellow members of the Port Authorities Roundtable in n signing a joint declaration recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global crisis with far-reaching impacts on many fronts, including global trade.
“As more than 80% of goods are transported via sea-lanes, we recognise that the port and maritime sector play a crucial role in keeping trade flows open in our global fight against COVID-19,” states the declaration, which was signed by Sylvie Vachon, President and CEO of the Montreal Port Authority.
The signatories also acknowledged the recent declaration of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which emphasizes the importance of minimizing the disruption to maritime trade and shipping activities so that vital goods, especially necessities and essential medical supplies, can continue to flow seamlessly across different regions in the world.
The Port Authorities Roundtable is a multilateral platform composed of leading port authorities from Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Its members are committed to working closely together, sharing best practices and implementing measures to help support seaborne trade and the fight against COVID-19.
View the full statement at:
https://www.pka.gov.my/phocadownload/COVID19/PAR%20COVID%20Declaration.pdf .