Loading grain at the Viterra terminal

The Port of Montreal plays a critical role in both bulk and containerized grain exports. The main products exported include wheat, soybeans, dried lentils, dried peas and millet. These grains are shipped mainly to Asia, Northern Europe and the Mediterranean, for use by humans and livestock alike.

By making the most of its strategic location connected to two Class 1 railways (CN and CP) and the St. Lawrence Seaway, as well as its proximity to major international markets, the Port of Montreal is a preferred access point for grain exporters from Canada's grain-growing regions.

With its modern facilities and strong handling capacity, the Port of Montreal is an efficient and popular option for exporting grain to overseas markets.

In more good news for the months to come, farmers were able to plant a week earlier this year thanks to favourable weather conditions, and that bodes well for the grain sector in Canada and at the Port of Montreal in 2023.

July 10, 2023