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Press release

Avantage Saint-Laurent: the Montreal Port Authority welcomes Quebec’s new maritime vision and reiterates the potential of the St. Lawrence as a smart economic corridor


Montreal, June 17, 2021 — The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) applauds the vision and ambition shown by the Government of Quebec in its new maritime vision Avantage Saint-Laurent presented this morning in Trois-Rivières by Minister for Transport Chantal Rouleau and Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity Jean Boulet. 

Guided by the values of sustainable development and ecological excellence, and driven to continually innovate to improve the efficiency, safety and performance of its operations, the MPA shares the ambitions of the Government of Quebec and reiterates the potential of the St. Lawrence River as a truly smart economic corridor worthy of the 21st century.

Called upon to play a major role in implementing the new maritime vision, the Port of Montreal will continue to work with its partners, including government authorities, to pursue sustainable growth in the service of the thousands of users in Quebec and the rest of Canada who, every day, depend on its activities to maintain a seamless supply of goods and to conquer new international markets.  

There are several projects at the heart of the Port of Montreal’s forthcoming developments, including its Contrecoeur expansion, which is benefiting from a $55 million contribution from the Government of Quebec under the current maritime vision. When completed, this major project will become a new engine of economic development for all of Quebec, as well as spearheading design with a constant concern for the environment, natural ecosystems and local communities.

“The Port of Montreal hails the Government of Quebec’s new maritime vision this morning. Our shared will to move forward together to make the St. Lawrence River a more prosperous, smarter, and lower-carbon economic corridor to sustainably serve our businesses and families lays the solid foundation for a collaboration that will empower us to innovate and shine around the world,” said Martin Imbleau, President and Chief Executive Officer of the MPA.

About the Port of Montreal

Operated by the Montreal Port Authority (MPA), the Port of Montreal is the second largest port in Canada and a diversified transshipment centre that handles all types of goods: containerized and non-containerized cargo, liquid bulk and dry bulk. The only container port in Quebec, it is a destination port served by the largest shipping lines in the world. It is also an intermodal hub with a service offering that is unique in North America, featuring its own rail network directly dockside connected to Canada’s two national rail networks. The MPA also operates a Cruise Terminal and a Port Centre.

The MPA factors economic, social and environmental components into its corporate initiatives. This commitment is governed by a sustainable development policy whose guiding principles focus on involvement, cooperation and accountability. Port activity supports 19,000 jobs and generates $2.6 billion in economic benefits annually.


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