
Donations and sponsorship

Please complete this form and click on “Submit your request”. Feel free to attach any additional relevant PDF documents.


Only applications that meet all the criteria listed below will be considered. Please confirm that you meet these criteria by checking the appropriate boxes.

All administrative criteria boxes must be checked.

All administrative criteria boxes must be checked.

All administrative criteria boxes must be checked.

All administrative criteria boxes must be checked.


The MPA will only evaluate partnership requests for projects which have the potential to achieve a strong positive impact in at least one of the following sectors. Please indicate which sector(s) your project will support:

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Please ensure that you have selected the appropriate box(es) as only those initiatives that support at least one of the sectors described above will be considered.

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3) Priority communities, citizen groups and regions

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Please enter the name of your organization

Please enter the Charitable Registration Number

Invalid Input

Please enter the year of foundation

Please indicate if you have a GST/QST number.

Please enter your GST number.

Please enter your QST number.

Please enter the website

Please enter a brief description

5) Information on the APPLICANT

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Please enter the applicant's first name

Please enter the applicant's last name

Please indicate the title

Please enter the applicant's email address

Please enter the applicant's telephone number

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Please enter the applicant's address

Please enter the city

Please enter the postal code

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Merci de renseigner tous les champs obligatoires

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Project description

Please enter the name of the project

Please enter the project description

Please enter the amount requested

Please enter the amount requested

Please enter the date the funds will be used

Please enter where this project will take place

Please enter your previous experience

Veuillez indiquer les objectifs du projet

Please specify the visibility you offer your partners

7) Project impact

Please enter the number of people who will participate in this project

Please enter the expected impact of the project

Please indicate if you will be able to provide the impact report.

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Please specify a date

Merci d'indiquer s'il s'agit d'une commandite

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8) MPA employee engagement

Please indicate if MPA employees will be able to participate in this project.

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Please indicate if you have other partners

Merci de renseigner ce champ

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Please indicate the official date of submission of this application.