Innovate and mobilize to outperform
Provide a motivating employee experience and an ambitious career path
Build an OHS culture of excellence for all stakeholders on port territory
Further develop our continuous improvement and innovation
Achieve the MPA’s digital transformation and data enhancement of the port ecosystem

Our foundation
Innovate and mobilize to outperform
A humane smart portlink
The job market is in full restructuring and society's values are changing as a new generation enters the market. Corporate social responsibility and workplace wellness will become the main attractiveness criteria.
What's more, digital transformation is accelerating. Data management and the integration of new digital capabilities are becoming key to the business model. The MPA must maintain its leadership in innovation.
To achieve this, the MPA will:

Provide a motivating employee experience and an ambitious career path
The MPA's strength lies in its people, who are our foundation, and our goal is to continue to deliver an inclusive, healthy and stimulating work environment.
To this end, this initiative outlines what actions we will take to give the Port the "human engine" it needs to achieve its ambitions.
Specifically, we will:
Develop and implement an integrated talent and skills management program
Improving the employee experience is a priority. We will set up an integrated talent management program, from recruitment to retirement, including skills development and overall improvement of the employee experience
Develop and promote a new employer brand
We want to position ourselves and be recognized as an employer of choice in Quebec. To do so, we will deploy in the coming years a program and a mobilization campaign around the organization's values and the new image we wish to project to the general public.
Develop and deploy an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Each person is unique and together we enrich one another through our differences. That is why, at the MPA, we strongly believe that diversity is a powerful lever for performance and innovation. Over the course of the plan, we will roll out a new EDI program to further advance the organization's management practices and values.
Implement an integrated human resources management
and payroll system
We will begin by assessing best practices in integrated human resources and payroll management systems and then implement this new system. In addition, we will set up an HR innovation laboratory that will make it possible for us to develop leading edge practices.

Build an OHS culture of excellence for all stakeholders on port territory
The wellness, health and safety of MPA workers, as well as entrepreneurs moving through the territory and dockworkers operating on the wharves, is a key issue for us. For this reason, in the coming years, we will build a true culture of excellence in OHS aimed at reducing risks and incidents throughout port territory and in adjoining areas.
Specifically, we will:
Develop and deploy an OHS governance and commitment framework
The objective of the governance framework is to define the scope and vision for OHS and to develop the structures, policies and roles that need to be put in place in order to achieve the desired levels of performance and to support MPA's cultural evolution in this area.
Develop and deploy an OHS governance and commitment framework
The objective of the governance framework is to define the scope and vision for OHS and to develop the structures, policies and roles that need to be put in place in order to achieve the desired levels of performance and to support MPA's cultural evolution in this area.

Further develop our continuous improvement and innovation
Honing our improvement practices will serve to reaffirm our leadership in innovation. By continuing and even intensifying our partnerships with high tech companies and accelerators, notably Centech , the Port of Montreal will continue to stand out, both nationally and internationally, as an innovative and trailblazing infrastructure.
Specifically, we will:
Develop and implement an integrated talent and skills management program
Improving the employee experience is a priority. We will set up an integrated talent management program, from recruitment to retirement, including skills development and overall improvement of the employee experience.
Develop and promote a new employer brand
We want to position ourselves and be recognized as an employer of choice in Quebec. To do so, we will deploy in the coming years a program and a mobilization campaign around the organization's values and the new image we wish to project to the general public.

Achieve the MPA’s digital transformation and data enhancement of the port ecosystem
Well aware of the fast pace of technological change in the logistics ecosystem, the MPA intends to undertake a profound transformation of its infrastructure and develop a digital culture that encompasses every level of the company.
Specifically, we will:
Realign our IT capabilities
Realign our IT capabilities
The successful digital transformation of an ecosystem as complex as the Port of Montreal requires
careful planning.
Moreover, to fully harness the potential of emerging technologies, the MPA must reassess its IT
environment and capabilities. We will use this major strategic exercise to revisit the structure of our IT services to make sure they are in line with our future needs.
Modernize and strengthen the resilience of our technological infrastructure
Digitizing networks in the shipping industry increases the risk of cyber attacks. This is true for all sectors, but particularly for our industry: the largest cyber attack in history was committed here. This is why we will move forward to modernize and strengthen our systems' resiliency.
Develop a digital literacy and data governance framework
To build a competitive St. Lawrence-Great Lakes corridor, collecting, storing and using data is critical. So, to exploit the full potential of data, we will develop a "digital culture", meaning that data will be at the core of our decision-making processes and will be part of our DNA. To ensure its reliability and security, we will also put in place a clear governance framework for its use by the MPA and its partners.