
Grands projets

The year 2023 was marked by the successful conclusion of several major projects at the Port of Montreal, reflecting its vision for the future. The Contrecœur expansion project is redesigning the logistics ecosystem to support future economic growth. With a total of $74.8 million invested in 2023, the Port of Montreal’s infrastructure projects exemplify its commitment to sustainable development and a more streamlined, greener supply chain.

Significant progress was made in 2023 on the Contrecœur expansion project, recognized as a key driver of the provincial and national economies. The strategic importance of the Contrecœur expansion project for the economy of Quebec and the rest of Canada was reaffirmed in 2023 with noteworthy announcements of financial support from governments. 

Financial support



Infrastructure flow and long-term viability

Attesting to its commitment to operational efficiency, the MPA completed several major infrastructure projects in 2023, including the new overpass, a rail capacity optimization project, redevelopment of the CanEst grain container terminal and maintenance of its water supply network.

Vickers overpass

Rail capacity optimization

CanEst operations optimization

Water system lining

Socially responsible projects
Improving the city-port interface is an ongoing priority for the MPA, with $10 million over five years invested in projects dedicated to sustainable infrastructure that blends harmoniously into the urban landscape.

Port of Montreal Tower

Facade of the Port of Montreal building on Notre-Dame Street

Shore power system for the Juno Marie

Startegic Plan 2023-2027
Sustainable development