Chair and CEO message
A sustainable recoveryAfter two years of successive upheavals in the balance of international trade and supply chains, we welcomed the return to more normal business activity with equal parts hope and caution.
We are, of course, pleased with the gradual return to pre-pandemic habits, the easing of inflation from its peak levels, the end of supply delays, and the return of confidence from companies concerned about getting their goods to market or receiving their products. At the Port of Montreal, volumes are back on the rise after two years of consecutive declines.
With the lifting of sanitary restrictions, we are very pleased that cruises have returned, bringing economic benefits to the city’s tourism sector. We were also pleased to see our public spaces reopen, including our Port Centre and Grand Quay rental spaces.
These events are a source of optimism. Even so, we need to rethink the way we do things rather than go back to the way things used to be.
We have seen how severely supply problems impacted business continuity. We witnessed how crucial it was for all players in the supply chain to work together to get through the crisis. And every day, we see how vital our role is in facing the climate emergency and meeting the challenge of the energy transition.
For the Port of Montreal, 2022 was a year of intensive learning, a year during which we listened and took the time to conduct a vast consultation to sound out the needs, expectations and ideas of all our stakeholders. Why did we do this? To prepare our future in the most responsible, intelligent and sustainable way possible. This consultation process served as the basis for our Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
The current climate situation compels us to collectively rethink our ways of doing things. We know that transportation is now the largest source of GHG emissions in Quebec. As the logistics hub at the heart of Greater Montreal’s supply chain, we are duty-bound to be the cornerstone of the energy transition.
To sustainably link communities, we are building the future by thinking not only about the continuity of our activities, but also about the sustainability of the communities around us, the logistics ecosystem in which we operate, and the natural environment in which we grow and develop professionally.
To achieve such a sustainable recovery, we place great importance on the collaboration of all the links in our port ecosystem in Montreal and throughout the St. Lawrence marine corridor: our partners, our clients, all the workers at the Port, our personnel and the members of our Board of Directors. Thank you, every one of you, for making it possible for us to carry out our mission to serve local businesses, citizens and the planet!