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Left to right: Sophie Roux, Vice-President, Public Affairs, Montreal Port Authority; Christine Fréchette, President and CEO, Chamber of Commerce of Montreal East; Christian Yaccarini, President and CEO, Société de développement Angus; Alexandre Lagarde, Senior Director, Europe, Montreal International; Malika Habel, Director General, Collège de Maisonneuve

The Port of Montreal is proud to have participated in developing the white paper produced by the Chambre de commerce de l’Est de Montréal entitled Cap sur l’Est : livre blanc pour un développement économique renouvelé pour l’est de Montréal (Go East: A White Paper for Renewed Economic Development in Montreal East).

Launched on October 8, the white paper makes 40 recommendations to the various levels of government and stakeholders in the region to make Montreal’s east end an innovative and attractive territory for businesses, notably, to:

- Accelerate soil decontamination to increase capacity for investment projects

- Get basic infrastructure put in place

- Provide residents and workers with real mobility

- Improve the fluidity of freight transport

- Focus on innovative socio-economic models

Check out the pdf (French only) at https://cdn.ccemontreal.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/08112504/CCEM_livre_blanc_web.pdf.